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PLAYGIRL Magazine Cartoons
The following cartoons have appeared in PLAYGIRL Magazine
ALL Material is copyrighted by Ché Rippinger
please contact for
reprint rights and humor work rates
Publishing with PLAYGIRL Magazine, the side

Sept./Oct. 2008
Title: Between Boyfriends Vibrators |
New Touché!
Cartoon In PLAYGIRL Magazine

September/October 2008 Issue of PLAYGIRL Magazine, page 75, on
newsstands now.
8/08 Newsflash: The editor said she
stipulated that she was
publishing contributor's work for "no fee." I have a previous
contract agreement which does stipulate my work/contributor payment
and usage rights. I did not agree for my work to appear in PLAYGIRL,
or agree to publish for "no fee." I found my cartoon in print, on
the newsstand. Mixed blessing surprise.
After several e-mails back and forth, I received news that they will "make an exception" and pay the
invoice. A big thank you and huge recommendation to join both
Colorado Alliance of Illustrators (Thanks CAI's-Cherish & Ben) and
Colorado Lawyers for the Arts (thanks René). Appreciate your
Also, the magazine editor Nicole Caldwell announced that the last
print edition of PLAYGIRL magazine would be the Jan/Feb 09 issue.
Future service will continue online.
Still no payment for
published usage of my work. Stay tuned for a positive
June 2005
Title: Liquid In Plastic |

July 2005
Title: Vibrator Down |
August 2005
Title: Learn Produce Section |
September 2005
Title: Viagra Car Out
October 2005
Title: Cartoon Faces
November 2005
Title: Dothing Shakespeare
with PLAYGIRL Magazine, the side
Funny thing. I sent in some cartoons to them many years
ago. And I recalled that the editor at the time sent me back a response
that they weren't raunchy enough. But years later, I sent off some more
targeted (and better with years more of experience) cartoons. As I was
updating my files, I found that the editor didn't quite say that, but my
mind made up a better story, apparently. The new editor on the later on
the 2005 run called me up and told me they hadn't used cartoons in 20
years. She really liked my work and was revamping the magazine (as many
new editors do when they take over a publication). So I was the first
one "under contract."
Now that's pretty amazing for several reasons.
One is that most magazines don't put anyone under contract. The second
is that most magazines use cartoons very sparingly, so it's pretty tough
to even get one in. And under the best circumstances, that's usually out
of a batch of 10 really great and specifically tailored pieces. Unlike
most cartoon work, PLAYGIRL-specific material, doesn't exactly have a
lot of other possible markets just yet. Although Sex and The City made
it ok to talk openly and comedically about women having fun with sex,
we're still not at the place where women have classy and mainstream
choices like the male population does.
2 Side note tangents here: I grew up reading my dad's
Playboy magazines. I've always wanted to be in Playboy. As a cartoonist.
(Get your mind out of the gutter.) They're one of the top markets in the
world for cartoons. And lots of people don't know that Hugh Hefner
started out as a cartoonist. That's how he got started in the publishing
industry. I did make it into PLAYGIRL. That's 1/3 of my way to my
publishing goal of my big 3: The New Yorker, Playboy and Playgirl.
My other tangent is that my grandparents can't quite
bring themselves to extol my Playgirl publishing feat. Probably not the
thing you bring up at the church social. Oh well. But my extremely
conservative dad blew me away with how proud he was, when he and his
lovely wife Susan had my first published PLAYGIRL cartoon and magazine
cover framed--in a sleek black frame and black suede mat.( And he almost
got kicked out of his own office for sexual harrassement for showing my
PLAYGIRL magazine debut around to his employees!)
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