Ché Rippinger continually produces new comic panels
for magazine and corporate use. They're also available for newspaper comic sections,
general features
sections, and unique graphic or column-related visual. Files sent electronically or in hard copies (camera-ready)
for editors upon request (please specify title of specific
cartoons or topic needed).
TOUCHÉ! Cartoons are also available for individual, promotional,
business and web site use (specialty item tote bags, notepads, magnets, etc--check
out TOUCHÉ! products page). Please contact for rates. All materials are copyrighted
and cannot be used without artist's permission and proper compensation.
TOUCHÉ! Cartoons have appeared in PLAYGIRL Magazine, The Denver Post,
Colorado Singles Resource/, Editor &
Publisher, Castle Rock Daily Star, The Mighty Sun, City and Mountain Views, Business Marketplace,
The Press Box, Colorado Serenity and many others.

Single Panel Format

Comic strip format:

Title: Curvaceous #1 "Half Full Optimist"
Illustration for Form And Style Magazine

Relationships, Life, Food
& Business Cartoons
Weekly Featured Cartoons
For information on using any TOUCHÉ!
copyrighted cartoons (for web sites, business, advertising,
presentations, books, etc.), please
contact for prices, rights and usage.
Thanks! Keep laughing!
Title: Etch-A-Sketch
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to man) "Honey...I went to school when
they had Etch-A-Sketch. You went to school when they had Etch-A-Tablet."
Topic: Relationships, life, marriage, age, age difference,
love, different perspectives, conflict, ribbing |
Title: Proposed Pants Shopping
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman on phone) "Well Ma, yes, he did
propose to me. He 'proposed' we go out pants shopping."
Topic: Relationships, life, marriage, expectations,
parental pressure, love, popping the question |
Title: Whatever Doesn't Kill
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to Woman) "Whatever doesn't kill
you makes you stronger." She replies, "Or
tries to kill you again."
Topic: Life, relationships, crisis, comfort, problems,
encouragement, reality |
Title: Can't Play Doctor
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Girl to boy) "Sorry Joey but we can't
play doctor until I see your insurance card."
Topic: Relationships, friendships, games, medicine, health
care |
Title: Emotional Laxative
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to woman) "You have a very calming
effect on me. Kind of like an emotional laxative!"
Topic: Relationships, love, togetherness, getting along,
compatibility, communication, easy, peaceful |
Title: Relationship Hurdles
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to man) "This relationship hurdle reminds
me of the ones in high school track. I used to run around those, too!"
Topic: Relationships, obstacles, difficulties,
uncomfortable, communication issues, avoidance |
Title: Yabba Dabba Don't
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to man) "Oh honey-Yabba dabba
Topic: Relationships, sex, bargaining, companionship, shut
down, denial, affection, attention
7/20-7/26/09 |
Title: Stand One Night
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to woman) "The trick to having a
good one night being able to stand one night."
Topic: Relationships, sex, casual , emotional detachment,
expectations |
Title: Stand On Issues
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to woman) "Well, at least I know where you
stand on the issues. Smack dab in the middle. On my foot...with heels
Topic: Relationships, communication, disagreements,
debate, fight, opposing views, one side, standoff |
Title: People Puppet Theatre
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to woman) "Sure sheers are good...if you
don't mind being 'People Puppet Theatre' nightly for the neighbors."
Topic: Life, home decorating, entertainment, neighbors,
exhibition, etiquette |
Title: Whapping Free Range
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to cat) "What? Does whapping it out of the
bowl make it free range?!"
Topic: Life, food, pets, etiquette, cat, finicky eaters,
odd behaviors |
Title: Pile For Everything
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to woman) "I have a bit different
organizing credo: A pile for everything and everything in it's pile."
Topic: Life, organization, maintenance, spring cleaning,
projects, cleanliness, controlled chaos, desk, office, clearing out |
Title: Tick Off Gatekeeper
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman on phone) "Honey-Didn't your mama ever
teach you business rule 101? 'Don't tick off the gatekeeper!'"
Topic: Business, etiquette, networking, polite, manners,
Cartoonist's Birthday Month Continues! Apr. 13 - Apr. 19, 2009 |
Title: Shaving Maintenance
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman) "Shaving your underarms is
'maintenance.' Shaving your legs is 'dating.'"
Topic: Relationships, love, appearance, dating game,
impression, beauty, expectations
Cartoonist's Birthday Month Continues! Apr. 6 - Apr. 12, 2009 |
Title: Successful Party Planning
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman) "Successful Party Planning 101: Drinks.
Music. Food. ...In that order. The rest is just dust bunnies."
Topic: Life, party, birthday, holiday, fun, festive,
festivities, positive attitude
Cartoonist's Birthday
Week Mar. 30 - Apr. 5, 2009 |
Title: Answer is No
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to man) "The answer is no. what was your question?"
Topic: Business, work, pessisim, overload, negative
attitude, q&a
Week of Mar. 23 - Mar. 29, 2009 |
Title: Draw For Guinness
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman with sign) "Will draw for Guinness!"
Topic: Business, work, drinking, St. Patrick's Day,
Week of Mar. 16 - Mar. 22, 2009 |
Title: Sticking To Story
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to woman) "That's my story and I'm sticking
with it. At least until I edit it.."
Topic: Relationships, Life, excuse, alibi, communication,
Week of Mar. 9 - Mar. 15, 2009 |
Title: Rude Awakening
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to man) "Apparently there's no snooze
alarm on a rude awakening."
Topic: Life, economy, rough times, pessimistic news, media
reports, worrying
Week of Mar. 2 - Mar. 8, 2009 |
Title: Therapy Or Relationship
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to woman) "Gee, I can't afford therapy...but
I have the next best analytical thing: a relationship!"
Topic: Relationships, men, women, analysis, , self
therapy, psychology, self help, cheap
Week of Feb. 23 - Mar. 1, 2009 |
Title: Turn Signal Wife
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to men) "Gosh--if it weren't for my wife,
I'd probably never use a turn signal.."
Topic: Relationships, men, women, driving, control
Week of Feb. 16 - Feb. 22, 2009 |
Title: Stupid People Cupid
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to man) "She's a great match-maker. Like
cupid for stupid people."
Topic: Relationships, men, women, meeting, getting
together, romance, Valentine's Day Week
of Feb. 9 - Feb. 15, 2009 |
Title: Bought Me Subwoofers
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to man) "She...bought me... subwoofers."
(Other man) "That' romantic! You hold
that woman, tight!"
Topic: Relationships, men, toys, tools, stereo equipment,
gifts, romance, knowing what a man wants, gifts, testosterone
Week of Feb. 2 - Feb. 8, 2009 |
Title: 4 Wheel Drive Ego
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman on phone) "For him the roads
are fine. He has a 4 wheel drive. And an ego."
Topic: Relationships, winter, driving conditions, bad
weather, car, testosterone Week of Jan.
26-Feb. 1, 2009 |
Title: Opportunity Didn't Knock
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to woman) "Opportunity din't just knock on
my door. It showed up with a search warrant!"
Topic: Fresh start, new things, perspective, personal and
professional challenge Week of
Jan. 19-Jan. 25, 2009 |
Title: Toilet Paper Furnished
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to woman) "It's a total bachelor pad. He
considers toilet paper 'furnished!'"
Topic: Men, women, apartment, single, living, minimalism,
different thinking, guy's life Week of
Jan. 12-Jan. 18, 2009 |
Title: Hit Comfort Level
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to man) "She's already hit the
'sweats-no-makeup-ponytail-comfort-zone' with you?? Oh, man, you're
Topic: Relationships, dating, upkeep, comfort zone,
compatibility, impressions Week of Jan.
5-Jan. 11, 2009 |
Title: Trophy Rental
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to man) "You don't just start with
a 'trophy wife'-you work your way up with an awards
Topic: Relationships, dating, ridiculous expectations,
vanity, marriage Week of Dec. 29,
2008-Jan. 4, 2009 |
Title: Clinking Crystal
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to man) "The adults get the crystal for
clinking. The kids get the plastic for clunking."
Topic: Life, holidays, dining, celebration, dinner,
family, adults and kids, child-proof, children-friendly, table
setting Week of Dec. 22-Dec.
28, 2008 |
Title: Dude Knee Cap
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Injured guy to ski patrol) "Dude_ Where's my
knee cap?"
Topic: Injury, skiing, winter sports, going down, getting
hurt, slacker talk Week of Dec. 15-Dec.
21, 2008 |
Title: Man Spackle
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to woman) "He's a temporary guy...for
filling the holes of your heart before you do a serious love
remodel. He's Man Spackle!"
Topic: Relationships, love, singles, dating, temporary fix,
good for now, between relationships, casual, trying again, getting
up to speed Week of Dec. 8-Dec. 14, 2008 |
Title: Relationship Oven
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to woman) "Didn't you try to stick your
head in that relationship oven before?" (Second woman
replies) "Yes, but this time I'm going in with oven mitts."
Topic: Relationships, love, singles, dating, trying again,
learning from mistakes, heartbreak recovery, new adventure, heart
protection Week of Dec. 1-Dec. 7, 2008 |
Title: Wine Dine Impress
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to woman) "O.K. You've got two
hours to wine, dine and impress me. Go."
Topic: Relationships, love, singles, dating, beginnings,
unreasonable expectations, first impressions, new, getting to know you phase,
impossible standards, speed dating Week of Nov.24-Nov.
30, 2008 |
Title: Tentative Coupleship
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to woman) "He can't call her 'girlfriend'
yet. They're still in 'tentative coupleship.'"
Topic: Relationships, love, singles, dating,,, beginning,
boundaries, labels, learning, new, getting to know you phase Week of Nov.17-Nov.
23, 2008 |
Title: Around The Block
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to woman) "Maybe I haven't been
around the block...but I took a sweet short cut through the
Topic: Relationships, love, singles, dating,, experience,
out of someone's league, knowing, learning, innocent, naive,
seasoned, expert Week of Nov.
3-Nov. 9, 2008 |
Happy Election Week! Cartoon Extra...
Title: Date for Change
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman holding sign that says) "Date
for Change."
Topic: Politics, presidential races, relationships, love,
singles, dating, solutions, rally, picket Week of Nov.
3-Nov. 9, 2008 |
Title: Commitment Bracket
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to man) "I think I need to find
someone a little more in my commitment bracket."
Topic: Relationships, love, singles, dating, availability,
interest level, LTR, long term, compatibility, breakups Week of Nov.
3-Nov. 9, 2008 |
Title: Bimbo Men Ratio
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to mom) "Vegas...or Alaska?"
(Mom back to daughter) "Depends...On what you prefer your
Bimbo-To-Available-Men ratio to be."
Topic: Relationships, love, vacations, singles, dating,
availability, numbers game, meat market Week of Oct. 27-Nov.
2, 2008 |
Title: Squeal the Tires
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Wife to husband) "Yeah, Herald, it used to be
cool to squeal the tires 'peeling out.' ...But not so much since we
got the minivan."
Topic: Relationships, love, growing up, lost youth, middle
age, cars, being cool Week of Oct. 20-Oct.
26, 2008 |
Title: Not Pining Him
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to woman) "I'm not really
'pining' him anymore. It's more at the balsa level."
Topic: Relationships, love, breakups, getting over
someone, yearning, unrequited, caring, healing time, moving on,
feeling better Week of Oct. 13-Oct. 19, 2008 |
Title: Eggs in Cuisinart
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Dad to daughter) "Ah, honey-When you
put all your eggs in one basket...are you sure it
wasn't a Cuisinart?!"
Topic: Relationships, busy women, life, work, balance,
overwork, messing things up, depending on one thing
Week of Oct. 6-Oct. 12, 2008 |
Title: Blow Up Candle
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to man watching busy woma run) "She's
not burning the candle from both ends. She's trying to blow it up
from the middle."
Topic: Busy women, life, work, balance, overwork Week of
Sept. 29-Oct. 5, 2008 |
Title: T.V. Thoughts
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Kid to mom) "But I like mainstream t.v.
It puts thoughts in my head before I do."
Topic: Television, media, entertainment, not thinking,
parenting, mind mush
Week of
Sept. 22-Sept. 28, 2008 |
Title: She Couldn't Defer
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to other man) "We had to break up.
She couldn't defer well with others."
Topic: Relationships, love, dating, break up, men and
women, getting along, arguing, disagreement Week of
Sept. 15-Sept. 21, 2008 |
Title: Holding Blow Torch
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Man to woman) "O.K. So I went down in flames.
Quit looking at me so happy that you're holding a blow torch!"
Topic: Relationships, love, dating, being wrong, blame,
admitting defeat, one-upsmanship, someone else right Week of
Sept. 8-Sept. 14, 2008 |
Title: Cost Effective Apologize
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman holding flowers and gift to man) "You
know what would be really cost effective? Apologize!"
Topic: Relationships, love, dating, apologizing, making
up, gift giving, budget, doghouse Week of
Sept. 1-Sept. 7, 2008 |
Title: Flexible Points Program
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Two women talking) First woman: "Yeah,
but he did call, and he is fun to talk to..." Her friend:
"What? Is he on your flexible points program?!"
Topic: Relationships, love, dating, salvaging, justifying
stupid behavior, spoof on Weight Watchers program Week of Aug.
25-Aug. 31, 2008

Title: Questioning Authority
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Child to adult) "I'm not
questioning authority, I'm clarifying it!"
Topic: Life, authority, parenting, kids Week of Aug.
18-Aug. 24, 2008 |
Title: Social Life Shave
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman getting ready to get into shower) "Yee-ha!
A social life! Time to shave the legs!"
Topic: Life, women, beauty, social, dating Week of Aug.
11-Aug. 17, 2008 |
Title: So Little Caffeine
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman at overpiled desk) "Sooooo many
details...So little cafeine."
Topic: Business, life, food, coffee, stress, overworked, balance, office Week of Aug.
4-Aug. 10, 2008 |
Title: He Needs Fiber
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman to man outside office door where co-worker
is in a tirade tantrum) "He needs Fiber."
Topic: Life, business, psychology, fitness, balance, anger
issues, office Week of July 28-Aug 3, 2008 |
Title: Terror Cells
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Doctor talking to patient on exam table)
"Worse than cancer-and insurance doesn't cover it. Mrs. Smith, I'm
afraid you've got TERROR cells."
Topic: Life, health care, homeland security, insurance
Week of July 21-July 27, 2008
Title: Googled Him
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman talking to woman friend, both walking)
"It's not THAT serious. I haven't even GOOGLED him yet."
Topic: Relationships, online, internet, dating
Week of July 14-July 20, 2008
Title: Picture Frame Family
TOUCHÉ! Cartoon by Ché Rippinger
Caption: (Woman talking to man from her desk next to
frame) "I keep the picture that came with the frame. At least
that family gets along.!"
Topic: Life, family, pictures, relationships
Week of July 7-July 13, 2008

Contact the Artist |